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All about those books

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Bout of Books Day 3: Character Coupling!

Today's Challenge is hosted by Writing my own fairytale and is a

"Character Coupling Challenge. 

Here is how it works –

  1. You must take two characters from two different books and put them together in a relationship. Make sure you list the book and author that the characters comes from.
  2. You must explain why you put them together.
  3. The relationship is up to you (friendship, romantic, parental, etc.), let’s just keep it appropriate, please.
  4. Characters must come from different books and series. Same author is okay with me as long as they aren’t in the same series or a companion series."


I would put Rachel Morgan from Kim Harrison's Hollows series together with Schuyler Van Alen from Melissa De La Cruz's Blue Blood series. They're both characters that have to straddle being different in an already different world, and I feel like they could really understand each other. They're also both strong female protagonists who tend to make bad choices about men, so they'd have a lot to talk about.


What do you think?